Our Blog

This blog spot is primarily a photo/memory album for our family. It also serves as a way for us to share what is going on in our lives with our friends and family that don't see us on a regular basis. Ashley, Worth, Ellie, Emma, and Mack

Sep 6, 2011

4 months and other crazy pictures

We've been very busy in the Bowers' household! Ellie is in full swing with her preschool, Emma and Ellie are enjoying 2 mornings a week at Parent's morning out, Mommy is feeling like her old self working a few part time hours, and Daddy passed his boards! YAY! Not only are we so proud of Worth, we are proud of our little one who just turned 4 months old. She is beginning to become more active, rolling from back to side, she loves a new toy - the exersaucer, and she is cooing and blabbering all of the time. Her big sister is becoming more of a fashionista- coming up with new and even crazier outfits to put on every day! I've included pictures in the slide show of her newest creation. Yes, in one of the pictures she is using a suction that is similar to the one we use on Emma (not the one we use on Emma of course)! Ellie is obsessed with the "booger sucker" as she calls them, yes, eccentric is a good word to describe Ellie at this point in her life. Also the bunny outfit on Emma in the pictures is an outfit that Worth put on her one morning. It was an outfit of Ellie's and their clothes are opposite seasons, obviously. Anyway, at least her daddy helped by getting her dressed for me:)

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