Our Blog

This blog spot is primarily a photo/memory album for our family. It also serves as a way for us to share what is going on in our lives with our friends and family that don't see us on a regular basis. Ashley, Worth, Ellie, Emma, and Mack

Sep 22, 2012


It's hard to believe 4 years have passed since Ellie entered our life in the middle of the night and rocked our world completely upside down. She has turned into quite a prissy princess which just cracks us up! She definitely has opinions of her own now and has commentary and questions that NEVER end. Wednesday (the 19th) was her birthday and she was so excited she could hardly contain herself. She awoke to a call from her Uncle Amos (who's mission in life is to be the first person to call anyone in the family on their birthday- as early as he can possibly call). She came down for breakfast with gifts from Sa and Gramps, Grandmama and Granddaddy Cavaleri, Mia and E.W. and Mommy and Daddy. She was most excited about getting new books including another Dr. Seuss and Silverlicious (in one of the pictures you'll notice her hugging her Silverlicious book - which she has slept with every night since her birthday.) She also got a sing along radio with a microphone from us. I clearly wasn't thinking it through when I bought this. It is really LOUD, and she sings in it ALL the time. I don't know, maybe we have a future American Idol on our hands. Ellie had a celebration during snack time at school for her birthday. I asked her if she wanted me to send cupcakes or cookies for her birthday snack and she said "I want popcorn!" So, I send bags of popcorn and m and m's per her request. That afternoon Grandma and Papa came over early to give her their gift which was a Rapunzel tower with all the movie characters. They broke the gift rule Worth set (No toys allowed that have more than 5 small pieces!) We just get really tired of stepping on little pieces and digging them out of Emma's mouth. But Ellie was super excited about that gift, so we'll have to let it ride! After that, we headed to Jumpin' Jacks for the party. This is a huge warehouse full of bouncy houses in Valdosta. Ellie's class was invited and I think they probably all went to bed early and slept really well that night! They ran from one end of the warehouse to the other over and over again, in addition to bouncing in the bouncy houses. It was wild, and Ellie had a great time. None of the kids really cared much for the pizza that was served, but they all ate chocolate cake. No big shocker there. I wasn't planning on setting aside time to open gifts because I thought the kids might want to jump some more, but they just started bringing Ellie their gifts to open and helping her open them. They were so cute and sweet. Four was definitely a fun birthday year and Ellie was so hyped up it was hard to get her to sleep that night. I can't believe my little peanut is already four! Time does fly! Sorry for the slide show, but I just couldn't pick out a few pictures to post. There were so many good ones! (I apologize for the run on paragraphs but for some reason blogger isn't separating out my paragraphs!)

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