Our Blog

This blog spot is primarily a photo/memory album for our family. It also serves as a way for us to share what is going on in our lives with our friends and family that don't see us on a regular basis. Ashley, Worth, Ellie, Emma, and Mack

Mar 10, 2013

Strawberry Shortcake fun and Azalea Festival

This past week was "S" week at Ellie's preschool. So, Friday, her school hosted a strawberry shortcake social for the parents to come and eat strawberry shortcake and celebrate the letter S.  It was so cute and Ellie, in true diva fashion, didn't want anything to do with the strawberry shortcake. (Neither did Emma believe it or not!) So mommy ate and the girls played. It was a fun little get together for the children and parents as well.

Saturday morning, Worth was on call, so the girls and I ventured out to the local Azalea festival. The azaleas around here are blooming (and the pollen has been crazy.) Every year  the city of Valdosta has the azalea festival to celebrate all the flowering shrubs that bloom ALL over the city. We didn't get a chance to go last year, so I thought we would try it out this year. We had a blast! There were tons of vendors and TONS of things for the girls to do. They both threw major temper tantrums when it was time to go home. Ellie and Emma both rode a pony for the first time. ($6 a child to ride for 2 minutes - a rip off, but they both were dying to do it, so I caved.) I'm not a big pony/horse fan. I had a bad fall off of one at age 5, and although I think they are beautiful animals, I usually keep my distance. I can't believe Emma was not afraid. She just jumped on that pony and looked like an old pro up there. They made me walk beside her because she wasn't 3 yet. I was terrified, I kept envisioning that thing kicking me in the face. Needless to say, I held on to Emma for dear life. Since I had to walk with Emma, Ellie had to ride by herself. She didn't even think twice about it! She loved it!

In other news, baby 3 is growing steadily. My clothes are getting tighter by the day and I have a massive appetite. I have an ultrasound scheduled for March 21st (my 18 week visit) and I will post pictures when I get them. Although, we won't be finding out the gender this go round:) We're just praying the baby is healthy and strong and my pregnancy continues to progress normally. We do know that my platelets were at 105 at my 8 week check up, so once again, no epidural planned for me. I have another round of bloodwork when I go in on the 21st, but I'm sure they will be about the same if not less. The doctor here said we will try prednisone again at the end of the pregnancy like we did with Emma - but we all know how successful that was:( At least I've been through natural childbirth twice now, so I'm not scared. I know exactly what to expect!

The spread for the strawberry shortcake social

The kids marched in - this was the best shot I could get of Ellie - too many big booties in the way!


Both my girls NOT eating their shortcake - so mommy HAD to finish theirs

At least one moment when they look like they love each other

Ellie's friend trip posing

These are all phone shots, so I apologize for the quality. This is Ellie loving her pony ride at the Azalea festival

Best shot I could get of Emma since I was walking right beside her

Of course, there were TONS of bouncy houses and slides

There was a boat ride, Emma was too small. Poor thing wanted to do it so bad!

Sand castle fun with their friend Anna Beth

Ellie was suprisingly good at maneuvering this boat

1 comment:

pcb said...

Poor Emma looks so forlorn wanting to ride the boats.