Our Blog

This blog spot is primarily a photo/memory album for our family. It also serves as a way for us to share what is going on in our lives with our friends and family that don't see us on a regular basis. Ashley, Worth, Ellie, Emma, and Mack

Jun 17, 2013

VBS 2013

Last week was vacation bible school at our church. Friday the kids put on a singing/dancing performance for the parents that was too cute. I took a few pictures and couldn't quite get many of Ellie because she was standing behind so many other people. Ellie had a blast at VBS though (this was the first year she was old enough to attend).

We had a VERY busy weekend including a trip to Statesboro and Tifton. I'll post about these later as well as Father's Day so I don't picture overload too much!

The chaos that was all children filing in with their teachers. There were 210 kids that attended VBS at our church this year.
Ellie - a tiny peanut head in the crowd.
She spotted me - Posing, as usual
This is the most concerned group of preschoolers I think I have ever seen

Just the preschool group in the middle. There were kids covering the entire front of the church

Ellie is singing her heart out here

Playing air guitar in this picture. I'm loving her friend Anna Clark in this picture though - the red head on the right

Ellie's best buddy Bo, my friend Allison's son. He was not at all interested in the singing, dancing -he's too cool for that:)

Bo chillin' while everyone else is singing and dancing

1 comment:

pcb said...

Love the chaos that is VBS!