This blog spot is primarily a photo/memory album for our family. It also serves as a way for us to share what is going on in our lives with our friends and family that don't see us on a regular basis. Ashley, Worth, Ellie, Emma, and Mack
November was a big blur. I honestly could barely remember 1 thing we did in November until I looked at these pictures. I'm so thankful I took these, I would never be able to mentally keep up with all this without the pictures and videos.
We attended our first Winnersville game this year in the Concrete Palace. It was the largest high school football game I have ever attended. It was insane. This tradition is one I think we will try to repeat yearly. We had the best time from the tailgate to the stadium it was a full, fun night!
Middle school girls bball tourney was the morning after Winnersville. They were tired but won 1/2 of the games. The 2nd loss kept them out of the final playoff game for the day.
Coach Newman working on the girls strategy.
I can't remember for sure, but I think Emma made this one. They usually miss every time I pull out my camera, but I do remember she made one of these on this end that I got a picture of.
Our baller
Emma's middle school team for the last year of middle school!
I have had the privilege of going once a week to Tifton to sit with Daddy so mama can get groceries, go to a doctor's appointment, or just get out of the house. He is receiving palliative Hospice care now and needs 24 hour supervision. Mama will barely leave him, but I'm thankful I get some precious time with him alone. We've had lots of good conversations even though it's mostly one sided.
I stole this from Mack's school social media page. He got to "vote" in the election at school this year.
November was the gear up to Nutcracker and Ellie was a busy bee with promotional activities. Her first stop was reading to some ballet classes at her dance studio.
I tend to always talk about the kids on the blog, but I had to add this. This was the social media post from our gym. Worth and I were named members of the month for November - and then our gym closed in December. 😂😞
Took a walk in the park during one of Mack's football practices. This rootball was so big I had to stop and get a picture of it. Valdosta is still such a mess. It's so sad to see these massive trees laying on their sides. The picture doesn't do this justice. It was huge!
Another sweet little ballet class for Ellie to read to.
Ellie and Nadia got to skip school for the morning and head to their old stomping ground at Westside Elementary to read to some 2nd graders.
Ellie and Nadia even got up and did a small number for the kids. They (especially the girls) were mesmerized.
The teachers were so sweet and allowed us to sneak upstairs and pull Mack out of his class to utterly embarrass him for the year. He looks so cute and happy in this picture, but walked away telling Ellie he was going to kill her.
Ellie and Nadia's sweet 4th grade teacher wanted a picture with them. She is the most precious teacher and they gladly posed up with her.
Emma with some more free throws. She ended up with a black eye in this game.
This is the black eye the next morning which just happened to be school picture day.
Leonard assumes the position I only wish I could be in most afternoons.
The Sugar Plum Fairy Tea Party was a success this year, and Ellie loved being in character for the event.
I was there helping in the kitchen for this fun event that helps fund some of the set equipment and costumes for the Nutcracker. The little girls are so cute and are in awe of all of the dancers.
The 2 Claras getting some instruction from Ms. Allison
November always bring the middle school chorus "Falliday" concert!
Can you spot Emma in the middle? I was sitting way up in the balcony, so my phone's zoom only worked so well.
I'm sad this may be one of the last chorus concerts I'll see this year. (Spring show is in May) I'm not sure Emma will do chorus in high school.
I got to go help with a Thanksgiving craft in Mack's class
Sweet boys on this side of the room.
We are getting very close to performance time!! Rehearsals are never ending.
2 little turkeys came to visit for Thanksgiving!
Golf cart ride is always a favorite for these two boys (and the Bowers kids)
We headed to the neighborhood playground. Hardy and Mack got some serious football practice in.
Mack gave Hardy some pointers
Sweet little Ford being a monkey
Mack still loves a playground also
Another sweet Tift boy!
Lovely Emma "Jean"
Hardy was the master of the monkey bars
Those dimples!!
These 2 knuckleheads got in the cold pool
Emma and Ford didn't fully immerse right away.
Thanksgiving Day we headed to Mama's and had lunch at her house. I thought we got the best family picture!
Worth was on call, and we missed him!
We had enough food to feed at least 3 more families.
The kids had full plates!
So did Uncle Amos!
Post meal nap on the swing.
You know these 2 are not napping!
What a love and example they have been! I'm so very grateful for both of them.
Uncle Amos always has the funny videos to share
Grandma and her grand girls
After Thanksgiving we headed to Athens for the UGA vs. Ga Tech game! Molly Grace and Charlotte were going into Sanford Stadium for the 1st time for a game!
It was a VERY cold day, so we all stayed bundled up and huddled up together all day.
The Berryman's always make it more fun!
Sisters on game day!
Mack stayed warm by dancing his heart out.
Emma is definitely becoming more of a teenager. This is what I get when I ask her to smile at the Christmas tree lot.
We were tired from the UGA game, but we got back home early to get our tree picked out and put up.
The winner! Bowers family Christmas tree 2024!!
Ellie got a sweet gift from her beach friends for her Clara performance.
This is the love of a daddy. We had to wire combs onto Ellie's tiara for one of her Clara scenes in the ballet. As I'm sure you've guessed, with my and Worth's extensive pageant experience, this only took us a few minutes to knock out. 😂 We both can now add using jewelry wire to our resumes.