Our Blog

This blog spot is primarily a photo/memory album for our family. It also serves as a way for us to share what is going on in our lives with our friends and family that don't see us on a regular basis. Ashley, Worth, Ellie, Emma, and Mack

Mar 24, 2014

Mack at 7 months and Bunny Hop Fun

This past Friday, March 21st, Mack turned 7 months old. Time is flying by! He had his 6 month check up today and the stats are as follows: Weight: 15lb (3rd percentile)  Height: 26 and 1/4 inches (21st percentile) and head circumference was 18th percentile but I can't remember the exact measurement. They don't write it down for you at  this pediatrician's office so I remembered the best I could in this allergy fogged, sleep deprived brain of mine.

Clearly, Mack is small. No surprise there, but he has decreased on the growth curve since his 4 month visit. The main problem is that the kid won't eat solids! We are trying everything to make him eat his rice cereal, baby oatmeal, vegetables, and fruits, but he is refusing them. He actually will get it in his mouth, he just won't swallow or his gag reflex kicks in and he flat out refuses any more food.

Through lots of trial and error and discussion with his pediatric MD and NP, we have decided that he may have reflux. We are going to try reflux medicine and then we are being referred to a feeding specialist that can evaluate him and help us make sure we are doing everything we can to get the food down him.

I think I said this in another post, but this kid is full of drama so far! We love him so much though. He adds yet another ray of sunshine in our home. He is full of smiles and laughs and has FINALLY begun to sleep all night with an occasional need for paci during the night. He is crawling all over the place, and for the first time today in the doctor's office, he pulled from sitting to standing independently. He is so strong and determined to be a walker already. He loves his sisters and gives a huge grin when they walk in the room. He is definitely keeping Worth and I busy these days and I know it's only going to get busier when he figures out how to get those feet moving!

Much harder to get him still for a picture this month!

Only way to get him still for 2 seconds is to give him this football, it mesmerizes him

Little Stinker!

The Member-Guest golf tournament was this weekend (sadly, I didn't get any pictures of Worth and his dad prior to or after playing in the tournament. ) They didn't bring home a win this year, but maybe next year?! In addition to this, was Saturday morning's annual Bunny Hop at Ellie and Emma's preschool. This is the preschool's fundraiser that is a pancake breakfast, games, bouncy houses, and ends with an egg hunt. It was awesome this year, with better and bigger games, 3 huge bounce houses and a much more organized set up. I won a cookie tin and the girls got lots of candy prizes as well as candy eggs in the egg hunt. Ms. Pendy was here for the Member Guest festivities so she kept Mack for me Saturday morning, so the girls and I could go and have a good time!

Ellie and her best friend, Anna Beth.

Emma attempting the football throw

Emma cheating on the football throw

The sack race sans the sack (Emma wouldn't put one on)

Decorating Easter Eggs

Ellie in her sack race - she beat the other kid by the way.

And the hunt is on!

2 sisters on a mission

Ellie is becoming a pro at grabbing eggs

My 2 sweet girls. No, I didn't dress them in an expensive Easter smocked dress or outfit - they wanted to wear their bunny hop t shirts. We started out with bows and they were pulled out. I had to force shoes back on Emma after a bouncy house run. So, what I'm getting at is, when they look back on this in 20 years and try to tell me they look like homeless children, they will know it wasn't my fault! They were clothed, fed, and they had a great time. That's all that really matters!

1 comment:

The Summers said...

I can't get over all that hair! He is soooo cute! I'm sorry about all the feeding issues. :( Y'all have a little peanut that gets around good and we have a fat baby that can't get his belly off the ground. Hahaha! Seriously, I'll be praying for some answers...I can't imagine how hard feeding time must be for y'all.