Our Blog

This blog spot is primarily a photo/memory album for our family. It also serves as a way for us to share what is going on in our lives with our friends and family that don't see us on a regular basis. Ashley, Worth, Ellie, Emma, and Mack

Mar 28, 2016

Easter Weekend 2016

We had a very busy Easter week/weekend this year. It all started Wednesday night, when Ellie, Emma, and I attended "The Promise" which is a play/musical of the Passion that our church puts on for a few days during Lent. Everyone involved is a member of the church and a volunteer, actor/singer/musician/technician/director/etc.,  and it has been going on for 39 years!!! It is unbelievably good! If you are ever in Valdosta a week or two before Easter, you have to swing by Park Avenue United Methodist Church and watch "The Promise."

Thursday, I had Mack and Emma's school Easter parties. Thankfully, Worth was off work Thursday and was able to attend Mack's party, while I went to Emma's party. It is so hard to be in 2-3 places at one time!!

Good Friday was Ellie's last day of school before spring break, but was also FIELD DAY!! This is Ellie's absolute favorite day of the school year. She is so pumped for this day of outdoor competitions. I was able to go for the morning, and then the torrential rains hit Valdosta. They had to call Field Day at 11:30, so I just checked her out of school and brought her home. Her teacher didn't look to thrilled about having to fill time for the rest of the afternoon, so I at least took one kid off of her hands! We came home and the kids had a movie afternoon just hanging out because that's about all we could do in the terrible weather.

Saturday, we travelled to Tifton to see the Bowers crew. I actually had waited until the last possible minute to look for Easter dresses for the girls and myself, so we had to drop Mack and Worth off, then head to find us a dress, which we ended up being successful! After shopping, we had lunch at Mia and E.W.'s and the kids played in the rain all afternoon. Mack has boot burns on his legs from running around in shorts and his rain boots for so long.

Sunday, in luring rain, we headed back up to Tifton to attend St. Anne's with my parents. We then went back out to the Bowers' home and had a big lunch with lots of family. The kids enjoyed an indoor easter egg hunt and expended all of their energy playing, fighting over toys and candy, and eating sugar.

Last night, we were all worn out!! Despite all of the rain, it was a great week/weekend to celebrate the Risen Lord!

(Sorry these pictures are all out of order. It took so long to download them, I'm too lazy to go back and redo the order. Not sure why iPhoto did that! Just read the captions!)

Ellie flying down the stairs Easter morning to see what the Easter bunny brought. 

Emma's run to the baskets. One big blur. 

Mack wasn't as sure about the situation. I think he was nervous that a big bunny may still be in our house somewhere. 

New dance bags for the girls, and big boy underwear for Mack. The Easter bunny has high hopes that he soon will want to use them!!

Mack really just liked to eat the candy in the eggs. 

Ellie's favorite gift. A growing bunny. If you put it in water it grows. It is getting bigger, but it takes 72 hours - and we aren't there yet. 

So excited about Easter. 


Mack. Still eating candy. 

Before leaving to go to Tifton to attend church with Grandma and Papa. 

Sweet Banks Easter sunday morning. Something about a remote that little kids just love!

The cousin playing in E.W.'s office:  Scotty, Emma, Banks, Bo, and Mack

Ellie and Banks, who became big buddies this weekend. 

Indoor Easter egg hunt

Mack wasn't all about the hunt. Until the candy in the eggs he had was gone, then he'd hunt another egg for candy. 

Emma ended up with the golden egg (which held $5) Ellie was not very happy about it. 

Eating candy, again.

Bo was a great egg hunter this year. 

Ellie racked up!

Banks wasn't sure what to think about all the chaos. 

Emma's sweet preschool class before their egg hunt Thursday. 

It was at her friend Rob's cabin - which is on their land near their house. The weather was beautiful and the  cabin/ tree house/trampoliine/swings/country air couldn't have been better for the kids. 

Read to hunt. 

This family's land is beautiful. And we only saw a small area of it. 

This was the tree house. Equipped with a curvy slide, bunk beds, t.v., and a refrigerator stocked with juice boxes and capri suns. This little boy is the baby of 4 kids. So, everything out there was kid friendly. 

The kids had to hunt for the eggs with their names. 

Singing the blessing. So sweet!

The mothers that put together this party outdid themselves. They also served a brunch for all the parents in attendance. 

The kids ate so much on their plates, no one even touched the bunny cupcake cake!

Thursday afternoon. Had not started raining yet. That is just water that the kids splashed from the pool. They are dying to swim!

Field day frisbee toss. 

Ellie is still a pro at the bean bag toss. 

The giant slide was a hit with all the kids. 

Tug of war is alway entertaining. 

The other team somehow had way more kids....

So some dads and the high school guys helping jumped in to help Elle's class. 

And she loved the hula hoop

A classmate competition ensued. 
Crashing in front of a movie after field day. The rain had started coming down. 

Saturday afternoon in Tifton. Ellie and the littlest Berryman (so far.)

Easter bunny baskets (sorry WAY out of order)

before church outtakes

All the cousins after the hunt. 

How we all felt Sunday around 4:00pm. Wo out!!!

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