Our Blog

This blog spot is primarily a photo/memory album for our family. It also serves as a way for us to share what is going on in our lives with our friends and family that don't see us on a regular basis. Ashley, Worth, Ellie, Emma, and Mack

Jan 1, 2017

Christmas, Christmas, and more Christmas!

Our annual Christmas celebrations wrapped up this weekend. They began on December 23rd in Tifton. We all went to the Bowers' home in Tifton and had Christmas with Mia, E.W., Auntie Kate, Uncle Jay, Bo, Banks, Grey, and Sa. It was wild, as expected. There was an unwrapping frenzy, a hearty meal, dessert, wine, coffee, and children running wild throughout all of it.  In order to have a little adult time and conversations, we attempted to put the kids to bed. After a few hours of trying to get the cousins to sleep in the same room together, we still had to separate them. They were so excited, as they should have been, because Santa was coming the next night.

Christmas Eve, we woke up early (mainly because Mack ended up in bed with us and woke up around 5:30 asking if the sun was up yet.) Seriously, does anyone else have a 3 year old that just despises sleep like mine? Once we had everyone up and moving, we headed to my parents' house across town for brunch and gift exchange with them. Grandma served up an amazing brunch and another unwrapping frenzy occurred. By this point we were so tired we skipped the children's church service at St. Anne's in Tifton and just headed home.

After preparing a spaghetti dinner for us, we prepared the kids' shoeboxes for Santa to leave candy in, left some reindeer food outside, and headed to bed early. Santa ended up coming despite some questionable infractions from the Bowers kids. They were so excited! You can judge from the pictures, but we think they were pretty happy with their gifts:)

This weekend came around and the kids and I loaded up and headed to Athens to have Christmas with Amos and Anna and to have the Chancey family Christmas get together. (Worth couldn't go because he was on heart call. Boo!!) We spent Friday night having pizza and exchanging gifts with Amos and Anna, and Saturday was the Chancey Family Christmas party that Amos and Anna were in charge of hosting this year.

The Chancey family Christmas party theme this year was Tacky Christmas Sweater. Although, my 67 year old father won the tackiest sweater prize, there were some REALLY strong contenders. We ate some incredible bbq, had a dirty santa gift exchange, ate some dessert, watched football, then said goodbye to everyone. I'd say we rang in the new year together, but I was asleep by 10:00 that night.

We are so thankful to have so much family to spend this season with. Christmas is one of my favorite times of year, and I hope all of these family traditions carry on for many years to come!

Ellie lost her 5th tooth a few days before Christmas. She had quite a crisis trying to figure out if our elf, "Red," would take her tooth to the tooth fairy or if the tooth fairy would come get it. She left a note for Red or the Tooth fairy to make sure someone got her tooth.  Red ended up making sure the tooth fairy got the tooth as  she came into the house that night. (The tooth fairy left a nice note explaining it.) Whew! I'm glad they got that tooth and Ellie was left a $1 for it. 

First stop, Mia's house. Ellie was helping Banks open his gift here, while Auntie Kate, Grey and Bo looked on. 

Mack got a bow and arrow. I can't wait to see how long it takes before he gets into trouble for shooting this at his sisters. 

Emma got some birthstone earrings. 

Grey was very comfortable hanging out with E.W. during the gift craziness. 

E. W. got a picture of Sanford Stadium in the 70s. The grandchildren all held it up for him to see. 

Ellie loving on Grey and Banks. 

Emma in her happy place, taking care of a baby. 

Ellie read the Christmas story from Luke for us. Next year Emma will take on the reading. 

Christmas Eve at Grandmas always involves fun gifts. Emma got a polka dot robe. 

This boy can never have too many tractors/diggers/trucks

Grandma and her grandchild clone, Emma. 

Ellie got a telescope. She was so pumped!

Grandma and Papa gave them framed pictures of the trip they took to see Thomas the Train earlier in the fall. 

My dad was showing me his gag gift for our dirty Santa gift exchange with the Chancey family. 

We got back to Valdosta in time to get some reindeer food out on the lawn for Santa's reindeer. 

Santa came!!!

Santa is running out of space to put his gifts for the Bowers kids

Santa brought Ellie a Razor hover board despite my best efforts to sway him from bringing this. I am hoping we don't end up in the ER with an injury due to this thing. So far, so good though. 

Emma had literally worn the wheels off of her bike, so the only thing she really wanted for Christmas was a new bike. 

This is a little out of order, but this is the blur of the kids coming downstairs to see if Santa had come.  They apparently had been up a while but waited until Worth and I came to get them. The giggling was infectious. 

Mack rolled in behind his sisters. 

Ellie got Clara, a nutcracker doll! (Another blur in the excitement.)

Emma showing off her Pinkalicious books that she asked for

Mack found a digger in his loot. 
A Troll doll

More gift excitement

We finally got around to opening our gifts to each other. Mack got underwear from mommy and daddy. As you can see in this picture, he was overjoyed about it. 

Daddy gave Emma some new earrings. 

Emma gave Ellie a nail grooming set. Their school has a candy cane store early in December that has $2 gifts that the kids can bring money for and shop for their family. It was possibly the best gift Ellie got according to her. They know each other so well now, and when they aren't fighting, they really do care for one another. 

I'm not sure what Santa was thinking when he brought Mack a VERY loud laser gun. 

This is how we spent most of Christmas day. Yes, my children were in their PJs and barefoot. It was 75 degrees outside. 

She ended up being a natural on the hover board. (so far)

It took Emma a few tries getting up on the new bike, but she quickly figured it out and  rode it the ENTIRE day. 

Mack was in his happy place riding his new 4 wheeler. 

The Karaoke machine for the girls has also been a hit. They have been singing their hearts out, when they aren't outside. 

Santa brought Emma a game called Googly Eyes. It is kind of like Pictionary with distorting lenses. It is hysterical! I had to get a picture of Emma attempting to draw with the glasses on. 

We finally made it up to Athens to have Christmas with Amos and Anna. Mack, of course was more excited about this empty box than opening gifts. 

He got a cool race track with race cars. Thanks Aunt Anna and Uncle Amos for this gift  containing MULTIPLE  pieces. :)

Emma opening her gifts. 

Old Uncle Amos had to do a lot of sitting this year because he hurt his back right after Christmas. 

Emma got an Easy bake oven from my parents, and Aunt Anna and Uncle Amos got her some accessories to go with it. 

Ellie was more interested in books for Christmas this year, and I think she got all the ones she had on her wish list. This one is a Cupcake Diaries book that she had requested. 

SHOPKINS!! I really don't understand these toys, but my girls love them. 

My dad in his "make America great" hat. You would have thought my brother gave him gold when he opened this gift. 

My mom, in a crazy sweater, drinking wine, singing, wearing a singing Christmas hat. I had to document it, even though she will kill me when she sees it. 

The singing hat and Amos. 

Crazy faces and crazy sweaters. We were all ready for the Chancey Christmas party to begin. 

I honestly thought this one was pretty good. 

My dad's sweater was handmade by my mom. This was the front. 

And, this was the back. (insert eyeroll here) Daddy won the contest. 

My cousin's boys, Chancey and Micah. I'm so glad they still aren't too cool to dress up for this crazy family. 

My cousin and Chancey and Micah's dad, Mark. No words. 

Ginger and Mark posing with their sweaters

The men outside in the cold rain. 

More people arriving and catching up

Juanita, little Will, and Uncle Courtney. 

Patiently waiting for the food to be blessed so they could eat. 

Little Will's mama and baby brother, Jesica and Walker. 

Dessert time!

Part of the spread of food. 

Dirty Santa game is about to begin
The family gathered together. One of my favorite moments of the year. 

Me and my baby brother
Always fun gifts during Dirty Santa. This is what my cousin Matthew got. (and honestly, I think it got stolen! )

Chancey Christmas 2016

1 comment:

pcb said...

Love that picture of you and Amos!