Our Blog

This blog spot is primarily a photo/memory album for our family. It also serves as a way for us to share what is going on in our lives with our friends and family that don't see us on a regular basis. Ashley, Worth, Ellie, Emma, and Mack

Aug 10, 2024

May 2024

** I logged into the blog to make the June and July post and realized that I never finished the May post!! I got this one done and plan to finish June and July over the next week. Summer has been so fun and busy and I got way behind on my monthly blog updates!**

May is always crazy, and this year didn't disappoint. Ellie's recital got pushed back to June due to venue issues, but that ended up being a saving grace. I don't think I could have survived May if I had that thrown into the mix this month. 

The biggest thing this month was Emma becoming a teenager on May 4th. She is such a good kid and we are so proud of her! She has tons of precious friends and she even has her first boyfriend for the moment. :)  She loves golf, basketball, and listening to Taylor Swift. She is so caring and perceptive of others' needs that I strongly feel that she will naturally gravitate to some sort of serving profession such as healthcare or teaching. The world is at her fingertips and I can't wait to see where the Lord will lead her. 

We always start May off with Emma's birthday! 

Emma decided to have a small sleepover for her 13th birthday this year. She made these little party favors for her friends. They turned out so cute. 

This room gets used quite a bit during sleepovers. They are always huddled around the table eating, talking, or gift opening. 

Our beautiful 13 year old! 

More pictures of the party favors - Emma printed off  a Taylor Swift album cover for each basket. 

Sweet girls went for a night swim before eating cake. 

Blowing the candles out! 

Emma and her crew. 

They are a ton of fun. 

Morning gift opening after being up until about 2am. Thankfully, we can go to bed and let them have the run of the house now. (after we set the alarm so that no one can get outside) 

Mack got up early Saturday morning and ran a 5K with worth. He got 3rd for his age group which was 12 and under. 

All the guests had left and we were enjoying a sweet conversation with our newest teenager. 

Grandma and Papa came to bring the birthday girl some gifts. 

Grandma brought these pretty flowers from her yard for Emma

She is opening the first part of her gift from us - Taylor Swift Albums. 

Full gift from us, a record player! Teaching her and the other kids how it worked was a scream. It completely blew their minds and she loved her gift! She now can play most all of the Taylor Swift songs she loves anytime on her record player that does no require WiFi:) 

I'm not sure what is happening here. 

Mack got a big hug for his gift to Emma. 

Mia and Dubs came through on Masters merch. Emma was pumped! 

Ellie took an interior design class at school this year. This was the bedroom model she designed. 

She picked out the fabrics and everything. 

I never know Hobby Lobby had all of this small doll house furniture until she had to make this. 

She made a 100. 

Mack had his final K-Kids performance. He did a great job, but from where I was sitting, this was the best picture I could get. 

Emma is ready for her spring chorus show!

Emma has the big sunglasses on. They did such a great job! 

She even showed out with some dance moves. 

It was quite a show and the chorus teacher did a fantastic job leading this group of middle schoolers. 

The Westside Art Show is always fun! 

We almost didn't make it due to afternoon activity craziness and Worth working, but we wheeled in at the last minute to see Mack's masterpieces. 

The word he painted to desribe himself was "strong" 

They use multiple types of media

Ellie's yearbook came home and this is her pose for the Tome Society/Book club picture. 

Parent's night at dance

Ellie has grown incredibly as a dancer this last year. 

She even has a  solo part in the recital that I had no idea about until I came to this parent night. 

She is such a beautiful ballerina

Emma was honored on honor's day at school. We are so proud of her! 

She's growing up! 

Mack was officially inducted into the Beta Club at his school Beta Club meeting. 

I had to get a picture of my hydrangeas. They were so pretty this year. This picture doesn't even do it justice. 

Fresh cut from by yard in a beautiful vase given to Worth and I as a wedding gift from Marta and Bill Brinkley - 2 people that are very near and dear to my heart. 

Ellie had a last day 1 day earlier than Mack and Emma. She opted not to go to the last half day. 

Mack and Emma on their last day of 7th and 4th! 

We headed to the beach with a couple of friends for Memorial Day weekend. This is Blake, Mack's best bud. 

Ellie's friends all had plans for Memorial Day, so she was stuck/forced to hang out with Worth and I. She was not loving it in this picture. 

Emma's best friend, Mary Allen, came along with us as well. 

Mack and Blake are hilarious together. Blake is HUGE, and well, Mack isn't. 

Emma and Mack both have very tall friends, or maybe, they are just really short.:)

Mack was so excited to eat crab legs. 

More Elle/Mom/Dad time. 

Mack, Blake, Mary Allen, Emma

Sweet kiddos. 

I got one picture of Mack at basketball camp. He was making them do push ups. 

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