Our Blog

This blog spot is primarily a photo/memory album for our family. It also serves as a way for us to share what is going on in our lives with our friends and family that don't see us on a regular basis. Ashley, Worth, Ellie, Emma, and Mack

Aug 18, 2024

June 2024

 June was BUSY. I added it up and from June 1- July first, I put almost 2000 miles on my car. We started the month with Mack and Emma heading to Athens. Mack for Kirby football camp, and Emma for UGA golf camp. We finished up that week with Ellie having her dance recital. After Ellie's last performance Sunday afternoon, we left the auditorium and headed straight for Ft. Morgan for our annual trip. Worth, Emma, and Mack had gone ahead of us early Sunday morning (they watched Ellie's Saturday night performance.) Ellie and I finally made it down there around 11:00 CST. 

After a fun filled week at Ft. Morgan, we came back to Valdosta to pack Ellie up for a ballet intensive with the Orlando Ballet School. I took Ellie to Orlando the Sunday morning after we returned Saturday from Ft. Morgan and I got her in her dorm room and ready for her 2 weeks of intense ballet training. 

Ellie's second week of intensive, Emma left for Camp Awanita with our church youth group. She always has the best time at that camp! That Friday, Emma made her way back to Valdosta with the church, and I headed to Orlando to see Ellie's parent observation class and pick her up from intensive. We arrived back in Valdosta around 10pm with a big surprise for Ellie. 

Saturday, we turned around and loaded up the car for St. Simons Island for the week. It was a crazy month, but the kids got some great experiences while I listened to some great audio books while doing all of the driving!🤣

Not mentioned earlier, but we started off June with Mack's first PGA jr. tournament for the year. He played well in the heat! 

Mack and the Berryman boys having some cousin time and getting checked in for Kirby camp. 

Emma was excited to go with them for check in. 

Kate convinced Mack to tell Kirby that I was his mom. (Kirby and I went to college together and he dated a good friend of mine.) Mack got the comment in quickly and Kirby told him that he resembled me. 

He's got some growing to do to fit into those! 

Emma headed into golf camp! 

Ellie's recital was so beautiful! She has grown so much as a dancer. These pictures are ALL out of order, but hopefully I represented some great moments in these pictures I took at rehearsals. 

Mia and Dubs made it for a show! 

This popped up on the UGA golf instagram page. Emma was working hard at golf camp. 

She was a star! 

Mack even enjoyed the show this year... a little bit. 

We left recital and headed to Ft. Morgan. The teenage girls set up this photo op on the beach and it ended up being so cute! 

Games the kids play in the water nowadays. That is Mack being thrown into the ocean. 

Emma and Ellie in the water. 

These girls have the best time

The kids are all growing up. 

Annual family beach pics

Crab hunting night! 

Low Country Boil night is always so fun! 

Love these people

The kids had to help with beach clean up this year. 

Waiting for the perfect wave for boogie boarding

Mack went with some of the boys and dads for a deep sea fishing trip this year. 

Mack caught a lot! 

Cole taught Mack how to roll his hair up like
all of the boys are doing now. Mack practiced as soon as we got home. 

Mack doesn't realize that he doesn't have the right kind of hair for the roll up look. 😂

Ellie went to a dance intensive with the Orlando Ballet school for 2 weeks. They stayed in the dorms at Rollins College. This was Ellie and her roommate's room. 

She was so nervous but excited also! 
She was all smiles when we would bring Leonard into the FaceTime calls each night. 

One of the weekend excursions for the camp was a day at Magic Kingdom. Ellie sent me this pic of her and the friends she made at camp

While Ellie was away at camp, we made a little purchase for her. 

It is a 2018 Honda CRV with about 88,000 miles on it. We pray it will keep her safe and get her to dance and school through high school. 

We just never know with Mack.

I got away for a quick weekend to SSI with some girlfriends. We ended up having dinner with an old sorority sister that we hadn't seen in years. She lives in SSI now. It was so good to catch up and be together! 

Parent observation and pick up day for Ellie! 

She LOVED the teacher in this picture (walking behind her) 

Emma was having a blast at youth camp at Awanita! This is Emma and Mary Grace! 

Ellie had so much fun, but was so glad to see me and to be going back home. I don't think she's hugged me that hard since she was about 10 years old!  

Her sweet dance friends. The girl on the left with blonde hair was her roommate, Sophie. Sophie came from Alaska to the camp! 

Even though we didn't get home until around 10:30pm, she came home to a big surprise! 

Daddy was so proud to surprise her with the car. 

This got out of order, but it's another picture of Emma at camp with Caroline. It was a Christmas theme night which is why Emma has a Christmas t-shirt on. 

After getting home late Friday night, Ellie drove me to SSI Saturday morning in her new ride. 

All of the cousins were back together for fun! 

I just wish I could be in this conversation! 😂

Cousins, books, boiled peanuts, and music. Perfect day. 

Snapped this when I had a little one on one time with Daddy. He may not verbalize it, but I could tell he knew he was in his happy place at SSI! 

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