Our Blog

This blog spot is primarily a photo/memory album for our family. It also serves as a way for us to share what is going on in our lives with our friends and family that don't see us on a regular basis. Ashley, Worth, Ellie, Emma, and Mack

Sep 7, 2024

July 2024

July was a FUN month! We had our annual SSI family beach trip, we celebrated grandma's birthday with family, Mack had church camp, Ellie had another dance intensive, and Emma chilled and enjoyed her last few weeks of summer. I really hated to see the end of this July! 

Mack and Bo were in charge of getting the kids' cooler packed for the beach each day. 

In their happy place. 

Mama was able to get Daddy to SSI one more time thanks to the help of Aunt Telie and Uncle Dale. 

The guys went on a fishing trip one day, so Ellie, Emma, and I headed down to Jacksonville to get some shopping done. The girls were in Sephora for quite some time. 

We had a fun lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. 

On the day the most of the crew played golf,  Ellie slept in, and I was able to head over to Shipwatch and have some beach time with Mama and Daddy.  

Somehow this is the only picture I took at the 4th of July morning 5K. These 3 boys were READY! 

Emma and Ellie did the 1 mile fun run. This was Ellie as soon as we got home. She hasn't run a mile in a while. :) 

More cousin beach time! Ford is all in with the big cousins this year. 

All of the toe heads - Hardy, Mack, Banks

Valdosta Bowers representing on the 4th! 

Sweet little Ford

Ellie and Emma looking so cute before the fireworks

Waiting on the fireworks show! 

Ellie being cute! 

Emma too! 

Grey was ready

Banks was too! 

This is yet another picture proving that my husband cannot take a picture with his eyes open. 

We were able to take the whole crew over the Shipwatch to spend one more day with Grandma and Papa on the beach. 

We had our annual Bennie's trip. 

Family pictures! My sweet mama and Daddy getting blown away in the wind. 

Bowers trio

Tift party of 4! 

Tift Family! 

These 2 are something else. Such fun to be around! 

I'm so thankful for Aunt Telie and Uncle Dale. They are such a huge help for Mama. 

All of the Tift Grandbabies

They clean up well. 


Bowers grandbabies

These kids have so much fun when they are all together. 

Sweet brothers. 

I thought this picture was precious! Emma and Bo having a conversation by the water. 

Mia and her babies

I asked Amos to hold my phone for 1 second. 🙄

We got home from the beach and Ellie got a nice surprise the following week! A 5 on her AP  Government exam! 

Mack headed of to church camp at Epworth! 

After we picked up Mack from camp at SSI at the end of the week, we headed to Monroe where we had a 70th birthday party for Grandma! 

She was so happy! 

Thanks to Haley and Ginger, the party decor turned out so cute! 

Haley did the balloon display. 

Fresh Air BBQ is by far my favorite! 

kids table

The whole crew! (minus a few - Worth being one that couldn't make it) 

Mama's friends from HS were so kind to come and celebrate with her. 

It was so good to see Mama so happy in the midst of grief and at times despair while being daddy's caregiver. 

Mama and her best friend, Molly Kimler

She's 70! 

I found these cuties outside during the party. 

The cake turned out to be a disaster. I ordered it from the Monroe Publix over the phone. I told them that the party colors were rose gold and I wanted just the writing to be in black. This is what I ended up with and I had ZERO time to make any changes before the party started. At least it tasted good but it looked horrendous. I guess in Monroe, yellow is the same thing as Rose Gold. 

I was SOOO grateful Mark and Ginger offered their home for me to host the party. I just felt like it needed to be in Monroe, and it was so fitting that it was at Aunt Pat and Uncle Jim's old house. I could feel Aunt Pat mingling among us so happy that we were all there for her little sister's birthday. 

I love to see both sides of my family together for happy occasions. 

ALL of the kids fit into this one room peacefully and it was hilarious! 

Sweet Chancey family babies. 

Mack finished up his PGA Jr. league the Sunday after we got back from Monroe, 

Our once a year date that doesn't involve other people or our kids. We celebrated our 19th anniversary on July 16th this year! So thankful for this man! 

We went out for school supplies and somehow the kids talked me into the arcade in the process. 

And yes, Ellie won a stuffed animal in the claw machine. She's a master. 

Mack was the one that had all of the tokens saved up that he brought with him and he won nothing. I think he had fun though! 

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